Monday, July 21, 2008

A Night at The Grove

After 3 days of Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato we had to switch it up for our weekend concert and see The Soundtrack of Your Summer Tour starring The Maine, Metro Station, Good Charlotte, and Boys like Girls.

To be honnest with you, Lauren and I only went to see Metro Station who we fell in love with as a band awhile ago but had yet to see them live. Dispite they worn't headlining we bought the tickets, Friday came, we headed up to The Grove got lost and missed their set.
The most unfortunate aspect of it, came from the fact that when we did get to The Grove, Metro Station had just begun their set, but we couldn't find any parking since The Grove has parking with Angels Stadium that was hosting a game against the Red Sox and therefore didn't get to see them live because we were stuck outside with no where to park.
So just a little advice, if you ever see a concert at The Grove of Anaheim, make sure to arrive very early if it's also an Angels home game, and don't follow where the usher's tell you to park, there's parking right when you enter that didn't fill up.

Having unfortunatly missed both of The Maine and Metro Station, we were able to work our way to the front for Good Charlotte's set.

Good Charlotte's performance was memorable to say the least. While they haven't been on the scene much lately outside of being in association with Nicole Richie and Paris Hilton, they played both favorites and new songs alike.

The best thing to watch in their performance was the high likeness that Joel Madden was intoxicated. Often slurring words, if having not forgotton the words, and rambling on randomly with no point, the crowd with alcohol in hand was laughing right on with him.

Joel actually came on the stage with a cigarette in hand and during his rambling on's inbetween songs with often pick up a clear cup of beer and start drinking.

However despite his interesting behavior the set list was almost flawless. Singing My Bloody Valentine, Girls and Boys, Dance Floor Anthem, The Anthem, Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, The River and a few others, for those who arn't fans like myself, we were all able to sing along due to the heavy airplay those songs in particular recieved.

Paris Hilton was also present during their set on a side note. In the first two pictures above you can find Miss Hilton on the right side of the stage wearing a black hat and black tank top to match. While Paris didn't take to the stage, while Joel was talking every chance he could get, the audience's attention would draw to her, watching her take pictures of herself, blow kisses to the crowd, and video tape Good Charlotte on stage as well as the audience. Paris made for a great side show.

After Good Charlotte's set, Lauren and I walked outside for their had been talk that Metro Station would hang out with the fans after the show, and the fact that Lauren and I were unfamiliar with all of Boys Like Girl's songs.
With no luck, we made our way to The Terra Rosa Room, a beautiful lounge full of chandeliers, velvet furniture, and t.v.'s to watch the show more comfortably. After some expensive snacks and drinks we made it inside the main room one more time to watch the final song of Boys like Girls.

Of course the final song was The Great Escape which was played frequently on MTV, and we realized we knew one of their songs but since we didn't have lauren's nice camera in hand, only took one photo of their performance.
Their energy is great, and the audience loved them, but the vocals could use a little more practice before they sound great live like they do on the radio.
It came off like Panic! At the Disco's performance at the MTV Video awards two years ago if any comparison should be given.

Since we were in the back of the stage room, we were in the loby quickly, and were able to see John from The Maine. We soon realized that there were many young girls who wanted autographs and so as soon as we took a picture with him we were ready to make our way outside.
John mentioned he was going to be back by the tour busses where they would be hanging out all night, so Lauren and I walked to the back of the Grove by the loading docks and the busses and were able to meet the rest of The Maine, as well as the lead singer from Boys Like Girls.

Flash and dark light didn't help the situation much to the fact that Lauren's camera started to die on us, but we were able to say hello's and take a few pictures, including these amazing shots.

I'm pretty sure poor John had no idea we were taking pictures like this behind him but let's us have a quick laugh.

Overall, it was a fun night. Slighly bummed that we missed Metro Station ( who never came out to greet fans afterwards) but the time spent behind the Grove getting to meet The Maine and Boys like Girls was a lot of fun and definatly made for a worth while evening. The Soundtrack of Your Summer Tour continues on in the States for another month or two, so check out if the tour is coming to an arena near you, it's a memorable experience.

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